Why is there a hole in the middle of the bus seat? Its function is not small, netizen: sitting for so many years in vain
  • Date:2023-04-28
  • Read:1094
Nowadays, living standards have greatly improved, with not only cars but also buses that can run back and forth in the city. With buses, people have upgraded from walking to taking cars, which naturally saves a lot of time. Time is money, wasting time is a waste of life. From this perspective, the emergence of buses is completely beneficial to all people.
Born in this era, we must be very familiar with buses, but why is there a hole in the middle of the bus seat? Most friends didn't observe carefully, which led to Yu Bai sitting in the car for so many years. In fact, the role of this hole is not small, perhaps it has several functions.
Nowadays, the improvement of people's living standards is mainly reflected in their clothing, food, housing, and transportation, while "transportation" is definitely about traveling. Going out on a trip, either by high-speed rail or by plane, is of course a long-distance trip. For short trips, buses are essential. As mentioned earlier, their emergence has greatly improved people's efficiency in life, enabled them to do big things in small time, saved time, and cherished time, right?
But do you really understand the familiar buses? There is a hole in the middle of its seat, what exactly is it for?
1、 Relieve stress.
This is of course to relieve the pressure on the seat. The seats are made of plastic, and these plastics must have toughness. For people with small weights to sit on them, it may not be a big deal, but what should we do if we have a strong man weighing several hundred pounds and sit on top? So, designing a hole in the middle of the seat can relieve pressure and allow the seat to withstand greater weight.

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